Sabine Gottschalk - Beratungssetting



is a practice-oriented, scientifically based counselling service.
You work on demanding professional challenges. You reflect
complex dynamics between persons and the organisation. You
manage demanding situations in a professional manner. You
develop constructive and sustainable strategies.


supports you in balancing workplace expectations with your own leadership and role self-image. You deal with an acute disturbance and develop a suitable and effective procedure. You take care of your psychological hygiene. I support you in change processes and in your professional development.


is an impartial and structured approach for conflict resolution. Conflicts are part of everyday working life, but hardened conflicts block cooperation. This is costly. The aim of mediation is to quickly restore the ability to work together. You start (again) to communicate with each other in a way that allows you to negotiate the relevant issues.

Online consultation and online mediation

is good counselling and has its own quality. Online processes are often more concentrated. You are in your familiar space and
can be more “with yourself”. In cases of conflict, the distance facilitates dialogue about diverse perspectives. Since 2009, I have been accompanying individuals, teams, and groups online. I have good experiences with alternating between presence and online consultation.

Sabine Gottschalk - Sessel

“It’s great when you can dedicate yourself to where your passion goes. And when I falter and
don’t know what to do next, there is someone who supports me with attitude, humour,
empathy, good questions and sometimes shares her view.”

Supervisor in training

“Through her expertise, Mrs Gottschalk enabled our team to resolve long-standing conflicts
and to create a new way of working together. Everyone considered her supervision as a great

Ward manager of a large hospital

“Sabine Gottschalk has great abilities to guide the personal reflection process in such a way,
that one can access your own insights and solutions.”

Professional in development service, online supervision process

“During my assignment as development worker abroad, I wanted to analyse and understand
processes and work situations. You helped me to see more clearly and to work out options for
action. As a ‘wise voice in my ear’, you always stood by to help me when things got difficult.”

Professional in an environmental organisation in southern Africa, online supervision process

“My institution is undergoing a complex transformation and growth process since years. Mrs Gottschalk guides me in a particularly good manner during these demanding changes. I was able to clarify the diffuse – and therefor difficult to sense – pressure of responsibility and my position as a whole, and to develop appropriate plans of action.”

Head of a large youth welfare institution

“Thank you very much for your guidance and strengthening during the time of my new career
start, which made me feel very unsettled. I was able to sort myself out and to return to my old
clarity and stability. Your approachable, appreciative way of talking was very pleasant and

Systemic consultant and coach

“Sabine Gottschalk has great abilities to guide the personal reflection process in such a way,
that one can access your own insights and solutions.”

Professional in development service, online supervision process

“Mrs Gottschalk manages again and again, to make us recognise our own, sensible next steps
and helps us to implement these systematically, long term and to our own satisfaction.
Supervision comes from SUPER a VISION.”

Management team of a large day care centre/family centre

Sabine Gottschalk

Supervisor M.Sc.
Supervisor & Coach DGSv
Online Supervisor
Certified Mediator
Online Mediator
Group Analyst D3G & GASi


Sabine Gottschalk
Woermannweg 14
D-48167 Münster
☎ / 📱 :  +49 251 590 672 36
E-Mail :




Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision und Coaching
The Group Analytic Society International - GASI